ISO 14001 Auditor Training Online
A fully online auditor training programme, accredited by IEMA (Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment)
Internal Environmental Management System (EMS) Auditor Training Course
AuditMentor training is the fastest, most cost-effective route to an accredited auditor certificate – which is recognised around the world.
The course provides clear, expert guidance on the ISO 14001- 2015 standard and the requirements of performing an audit.
The course features six multimedia modules, each one comprising around 60 interactive slides – providing an enjoyable and effective training experience. Tracked quizzes help you monitor your learning and are fed back to our support team – who will be with you every step of the way.
Included in the package is our innovative online case study, where delegates are asked to write up a set of findings in a simulated audit environment.
As well as online and telephone support, expert guidance is available from our course author John Marsden, a Fellow of IEMA and registered lead auditor with more than 20 years of experience in the field.
ISO 14001 online auditor training course price – £495 (No VAT to pay)
Buy now
Accredited by the Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment (IEMA)
Learn ISO 14001 training online in your own time.
No classes to attend.
Delegate feedback
“I can honestly say that the training material they supply is first class. It’s structured in such an easy-to-follow format that even if you know nothing about auditing, by the end of the course you will be impressed about how much information you will know about the subject.”
Scott took advantage of taking two courses with AuditMentor – augmenting his Health & Safety skillset with an additional course in the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard. This gave him an extra CV boost which he believes gave him the edge when securing his new position as Health & Safety Assistant for the European Space Agency based in Darmstadt.
Scott Sheldon, – October 2014
Module Content
- Module 1 – Introduction to the course. Why conduct an EMS audit?
- Module 2 – Understanding ISO 14001 Planning Elements.
- Module 3 – ISO 14001 Implementation Elements
- Module 4 – ISO 14001 Checking and Review
- Module 5 – Planning the EMS Audit
- Module 6 – Conducting and reporting the EMS audit
- Module 7 – The EMS Audit Interactive Case Study – Find and report Nonconformances