ISO 14001 Audit Checklist – some comments

A well drafted ISO 14001 audit checklist provides an excellent support tool for the internal auditor. However creating one that is tailored to suit the exact needs of the organisation can be a challenge. A good starting point is to use a checklist that has been created by an experienced lead auditor. The reason for providing this ISO 14001 auditor checklist to all our delegates is exactly for that reason. Auditors can use it directly, or they can modify to suit their particular needs.

In many cases, the internal audit checklist based on the 10 elements of ISO 14001:2015 is all that is needed. However, that in itself takes time to prepare. We have spent several days working on the text and phrasing so that all the audit elements are subject to relevant questions that support the implementation process or the internal EMS audit.

Here are a sample of some areas of the checklist (using 4.2 Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties) to give a flavour of how we have compiled the document ;-

Understanding The Needs and Expectations Of Interested Parties

Does the organization know who are the relevant interested parties with respect to the environmental management system?

Does the organization know what are the most relevant needs and expectations of these defined parties?

Has the organization determined which of these needs and expectations are currently recorded as compliance obligations?


Firstly, has the organisation determined which interested party is of relevance?

Secondly, has the organisation identified the needs and expectations of those interested parties (removing any reference to the needs of the organisation)?

Thirdly, which of those needs will the organisation agree to meet?

This is a major change in emphasis of the standard as it is pivotal in revealing what the organisation chooses to follow. The auditor should identify what these are and how these selected issues are then progressed within the EMS.

How to obtain your copy of this 24 page ISO 14001 Audit Checklist

Delegates who purchase our ISO 14001 Auditor Training Course which is delivered fully online will be able to receive a free copy of the ISO 14001 Auditor Checklist.



ISO 14001 Audit Checklist in use during a certification audit of a company involved in the offshore windfarm industry.