Formula for a Championship Management System Scope

My last few audits have produced a number of interesting situations. I’d like to discuss one relating to the new standard and the scope of an EMS. I recently audited a large consultancy business – the type which involves high level design work for major clients. The...

Ten Point Thinking – Part 1

Ten Point Thinking Series on ISO 14001:2015 Every month John Marsden makes 10 points designed to help auditors think about what they are doing. Part 1 –  Linking ECO to ISO On balance, our global generation is trashing the world in so many ways (exploiting resources,...

Context and ISO 14001

Understanding the Organisation and its Context Context and ISO 14001 is in need of clarification. What exactly does context mean and what will the certification auditor require to see as evidence that this has been addressed by the organisation? The phrase context has...

ISO 14001 2015 – The Life Cycle Perspective

I’m sure we’re all aware that the new standard went live last month. We’ve waited a long time for ISO 14001 – 2015, and now it’s here. ISO 14001 2015 requires that operational planning and control include controls to ensure that environmental aspects are addressed in...

ISO 14001 Evolves

The Final Draft of ISO 14001:2015 has raised some important points, which may go unnoticed and which may need to be discussed. They form a personal interpretation of the revision that has developed as I have been updating course content, attending certification body...

Improve your EMS

EMS – Environmental management systems and AuditMentor’s Top 10 Tips – The Second Set of Tips in the Series John Marsden provides hints and tips for improving your management system. He is a leading certification auditor who works for a number of international...