Remote Audits and COVID 19

We’ve quickly entered a new phase of the virus pandemic within Europe and the UK. Now that governments and people have at last understood the implications of this terrible situation, we now need to work within new boundaries and constraints. Remote audits and COVID 19...

Ecolabel and the Environmental Management System

Is the certification auditor doing an audit to look for findings or nonconformities against the elements of the standard? Is there an additional scope that is frequently missed out as the auditor busily works to assess conformance or otherwise? The Ecolabel standard...

A Never-Ending story

Sometimes one wonders how such things happen. As a regular auditor to this particular site, sometimes issues can slip through the net – after all an audit is a sample of elements of a management system that apply within the area under scrutiny. The site is a medium...

Feeling your way through an environmental audit

Good practice is sometimes overlooked – the busy auditor with experience often works by feel rather than following checklists and ISO standard requirements. Confidentiality issues prevents disclosure of details, but hopefully this blog illustrates a couple of points...

Formula for a Championship Management System Scope

My last few audits have produced a number of interesting situations. I’d like to discuss one relating to the new standard and the scope of an EMS. I recently audited a large consultancy business – the type which involves high level design work for major clients. The...

A week or two in the life of a certification auditor

Whilst part of my busy life is spent developing online training courses and the associated infrastructure, I also spend a lot of time conducting audits to ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 together with ISO 9001 as part of integrated management systems. I’m sure many readers...

Ten Point Thinking – Part 1

Ten Point Thinking Series on ISO 14001:2015 Every month John Marsden makes 10 points designed to help auditors think about what they are doing. Part 1 –  Linking ECO to ISO On balance, our global generation is trashing the world in so many ways (exploiting resources,...

Context and ISO 14001

Understanding the Organisation and its Context Context and ISO 14001 is in need of clarification. What exactly does context mean and what will the certification auditor require to see as evidence that this has been addressed by the organisation? The phrase context has...